EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
319 lines
/* SysDep.H */
/* #include file for all Citadel C files; contains system */
/* dependent code. */
* This is here because Borland International requires all licensees to place
* copyrights on any distributable s/w. If you are porting C-86 to another
* machine, you should certainly replace the value here with something else.
* A "" is probably acceptable.
#define COPYRIGHT " Custom Services 1997"
#include "fctype.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "exec/types.h"
#include "exec/exec.h"
#include "devices/console.h"
#include "devices/keymap.h"
#include "devices/serial.h"
#include "devices/timer.h"
#include "libraries/dos.h"
#include "libraries/dosextens.h"
#include "intuition/intuition.h"
#include "proto/all.h"
Special definitions used in message strings
#define VARIANT_NAME "Citadel-68k"
#define VERSION_NAME "(7A01)"
#ifdef _M68020
#define SYSDEP_NAME "/030"
#define SYSDEP_NAME "/000"
This structure is used by the BadPeople.sys file processing
to collect the list of suppressed user/room/system names
A * in the field indicates that the comparision for that
field is skipped and is a match.
An entry of "* * *" would suppress all messages in all
rooms for all systems. This is illegal and will be rejected
as an error.
struct User_Id
char *name; /* suppressed user ( * == all users ) */
char *room; /* suppressed room ( * == all rooms ) */
char *system; /* suppressed system( * is all systems ) */
/* these are system debug functions. */
/* note: some are scattered through out the code */
/*#define NEED_MSG_PEEKING /* sysop menu items */
/*#define NEED_MSG_LIST /* sysop menu items */
/*#define NEEDED /* sysop menu items */
/*#define EVENT_DEBUG /* examine events */
/*#define NEED_NET_DEBUG /* network debug messages */
/*#define NEED_NET_DEBUG_ERRORS /* network debug messages */
/*#define NEED_TRANS_NET_DEBUG /* network debug messages */
/*#define TEST_SYS /* enable debug output */
/*#define NET_DEBUG /* network debug output */
#define sPrintf sprintf
void *special_GetDynamic(unsigned size, char *file, int);
#define GetDynamic(size) special_GetDynamic(size,__FILE__,__LINE__)
/* These constants, etc. are only for use by SYSDEP.C and other source */
/* files that contain code that depends on the computer system in use. */
/* Access is via #define in the appropriate source files. */
* Required! The following MUST be defined:
* MSG_SECT_SIZE -- size, in bytes, of a (psuedo) "sector" on disk
* for the message file
* SIZE_SYS_FILE -- longest length, in bytes, of a "system" (i.e., *.SYS,
* *.BLB, *.MNU, *.HLP, and net files) file plus 1 (for
* the NULL byte. Variables using this constant are used for
* defining a name of a file and then opening it.
* MSG_NUMBER -- just what is* a message number
* SECTOR_ID -- just what to use to identify a sector
* AN_UNSIGNED -- an unsigned quantity, very preferably 8 bits
* ROOM_MSG -- this needs* to be 16 bits, for a kludge in listRooms()
* DATA_BLOCK[MSG_SECT_SIZE] -- a block of msg data from disk
* CRC_TYPE -- sufficient to hold a XMODEM CRC value
* SYS_FILE -- a variable used in makeSysName() that holds the "name" of
* a system file (see SIZE_SYS_FILE). This is passed to
* safeopen(). Normally, this would be just a string using
* the SIZE_SYS_FILE constant, but I can see situations in
* which a struct would be more appropriate. If you have*
* to go with a struct, I suggest making safeopen() a macro
* that takes the address of the name (see description of
* safeopen for its function). I.e...
* #define safeopen(x, y) ourOpen(&x, y)
* ROOM_AREA -- definition of an area attached to a room
* NET_AREA -- definition of an area accessible to net functions
* SYS_AREA -- definition of an area that may be occupied by a Citadel
* system file.
* MODEM_DATA -- all necessary modem data for this implementation
#define MSG_SECT_SIZE 128
#define SIZE_SYS_FILE 128 /* Should be enough */
#define MAX_FILENAME 24
#define LOCKFILE "ctdllock.sys"
#define ALL_FILES "*"
#define CACHED_FILES "*.msg"
typedef unsigned long MSG_NUMBER; /* Msg number for PClone 32 bits*/
typedef unsigned short SECTOR_ID; /* Sector ID -- 16 bits */
typedef unsigned char AN_UNSIGNED;
typedef unsigned char DATA_BLOCK[MSG_SECT_SIZE];
typedef unsigned short CRC_TYPE;
typedef char SYS_FILE[SIZE_SYS_FILE];
typedef char DOMAIN_FILE[40];
typedef unsigned long MULTI_NET_DATA;
typedef unsigned long UNS_32;
typedef unsigned short UNS_16;
struct MenuData
struct Window *MenuWindow;
char *MenuCharList;
struct MsgPort *MenuIOPort;
struct IOStdReq *MenuIOMsg;
int DeviceOpen;
typedef struct MenuData *MenuId;
#define S_MSG_MASK 0x7fffffffl /* hi bit, right? */
#define NO_MENU NULL
typedef short ROOM_AREA; /* This might carry the # of the room */
typedef struct
char naDirname[100]; /* Directory anywhere on system */
typedef struct
char saDirname[64];
#define NO_CLOCK 0
#define BUSY_CLOCK 1
#define ALWAYS_CLOCK 2
#define SER_7WIRE 4
struct timePacket
unsigned long clock[2];
typedef struct
char Editor[15], /* Outside editor name */
EditArea[40], /* Where should we do our work? */
ModemSetup[60], /* First init of modem. */
HiSpeedInit[30]; /* High speed init */
short Clock;
char LockPort;
unsigned short ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,ScreenDepth,Color0,Color1;
char StartUpEcho,DirectToChip,UnitNumber,DevName[32];
#define BOOLEAN_FLAG(x) unsigned x : 1
#define mvToHomeDisk(x)
#define makeVASysName(x, y) sPrintf(x, "virtual/%s", y)
#define CreateVAName(fn, slot, dir, num) sPrintf(fn, "virtual/%d/%s/%ld", slot, dir, num)
#define ChatEat(c) c == 0
#define ChatSend(c) c == 0
#define makeSysName(x, y, z) sPrintf(x, "%s%s", (z)->saDirname, y)
#define RoomSys(x) roomBuf.rbArea = x
#define zero_struct(x) setmem(&x, ( (long)sizeof( x ) & 0x0000ffffL), 0)
#define zero_array(x) setmem( x, ( (long)sizeof( x ) & 0x0000ffffL), 0)
#define copy_struct(src, dest) memcpy(&dest, &src, ( (long)sizeof( src )) )
#define copy_array(src, dest) memcpy(dest, src, ( (long)sizeof( src )) )
#define copy_ptr(src, dest, s) memcpy(dest, src, ( (long)(sizeof( src[0] )) * (long)s) )
#undef memmove
#define memmove(dest, src, len) movmem(src, dest, ( (long)len & 0x0000FFFFL) )
#define fastMod outMod /* temporary */
#define ToTempArea() MakeTempDir()
extern char TDirBuffer[];
#define KillTempArea() homeSpace(), rmdir(TDirBuffer)
#define ScreenUser() ScrNewUser()
#define setNetCallBaud(x,y) CitadelBaudRate(minimum(x, cfg.sysBaud),y);
/* sPrintf(temp, "banners\\%s.%d", str, GetSecond()); */
#define makeBanner(x, y, z) sPrintf(x, "banners/%s.%d", y, z)
#define RedirectName(b, d, f) sPrintf(b, "%s/%s", d, f);
#define MakeDomainFileName(buffer, Dir, filename) \
sPrintf(buffer, "%s%d/%s", cfg.domainArea.saDirname, Dir, filename)
#define MakeDomainDirectory(x) DoDomainDirectory(x, FALSE)
#define KillDomainDirectory(x) DoDomainDirectory(x, TRUE)
#define MakeBioName(buffer, name) \
sPrintf(buffer, "%s%s", cfg.bioArea.saDirname, name)
#define MoveToBioDirectory() chdir(cfg.bioArea.saDirname);
#define VirtualCopyFileToFile(fn, vfn) CitSystem(FALSE, "copy %s %s > nul", fn, vfn)
* These are for handling the net caching stuff.
#define ChangeToCacheDir(x) chdir(x)
#define NetCacheName(buf, slot, name) sPrintf(buf, "%snetcache/%d/%s", cfg.netArea.saDirname, slot, name)
#define MakeNetCacheName(buf, slot) sPrintf(buf, "%snetcache/%d", cfg.netArea.saDirname, slot)
#define MakeNetCache(buf) sPrintf(buf, "%snetcache", cfg.netArea.saDirname)
#define MakeDeCompressedFilename(fn, Fn) sPrintf(fn, "%s%s", cfg.netArea.saDirname, Fn)
typedef struct {
char *FileName;
char *MenuEntry;
char *DeWork;
char *IntWork;
char *CompWork;
} DeCompElement;
extern DeCompElement DeComp[];
extern DeCompElement DeComp[];
#define GetCompEnglish(CompType) DeComp[(CompType) - 1].MenuEntry
#define DeCompAvailable(CompType) (DeComp[(CompType) - 1].DeWork != NULL)
#define AnyCompression() (DeComp[LHA_COMP-1].CompWork != NULL || DeComp[ARC_COMP-1].CompWork != NULL || DeComp[ZOO_COMP-1].CompWork != NULL || DeComp[ZIP_COMP-1].CompWork != NULL)
#define netSetNewArea(fd) realSetSpace((fd)->naDirname)
/* we use our own printf in sysdep3.c */
#undef printf
int printf(const char *format, ...);
/* These constants, etc. are only for use by SYSDEP.C and other source */
/* files that contain code that depends on the computer system in use. */
/* Access is via #define in the appropriate source files. */
parameters for checks in confg
#define HELP 0
#define LOG 1
#define ROOM 2
#define MSG 3
#define MSG2 4
#define NET_STUFF 5
#define CALL 6
#define HOLD 7
#define FLOORA 8
#define DOMAIN_STUFF 9
#define TEMP_AREA 10 /* temp files area */
#define QWK2 11 /* BBS Packet name defined */
#define QWK3 12 /* Files Area Defined */
#define QWK4 13 /* Maximum number of rooms at once */
#define QWK5 14 /* Maximum number of messages at once */
#define BIO_AREA 15 /* biography area defined */
#define QWK1 16 /* location defined */
#define MAX_NEEDED 17 /* total number of parameters checked */
End of CONFG check parameters
#define I_HANGUP 0
#define I_INIT 1
#define I_CARRDET 2
#define I_SET300 3
#define I_SET1200 4
#define I_SET2400 5
#define I_SETHI 6
#define I_CHECKB 7
#define I_ENABLE 8
#define I_DISABLE 9
#define I_SET4800 10
#define I_SET9600 11
#define I_SET14400 12
#define I_SET19200 13
/* Hmmmmmm. This stuff shouldn't be here, actually. */
#define R_SH_MARK "&&" /* Rather than external char */
#define NON_LOC_NET "%%"
/* Or this. Fix this someday */
#ifdef V_ADMIN
#define R_SH_MARK "&&" /* Rather than external char */
#define NON_LOC_NET "%%"
#define LOC_NET "++"
#define strCmp strcmp
#define strLen strlen
#define toUpper toupper
#define toLower tolower
#define strCpy strcpy
#define strCat strcat
#define isAlpha isalpha
#define strnCmp strncmp
#define isSpace isspace
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define NO_STAT
void Intel16ToMotorola(UNS_16 *);
void Intel32ToMotorola(UNS_32 *);
** Caller Count routines
void Update_Caller_Count(void);
long Get_Call_Count(void);
char *Display_Privledges(void);